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Neat Site Recommendations Slashdot - News for Nerds. This site isn't for everyone, but for many geeks, it's the place to be. If you claim to be a geek and haven't visited Slashdot before, go do it now so that you can pretend to know what people are talking about!
Posted by coolcorp on Friday, January 16 @ 21:23:33 PST (6608 reads)
(comments? | Score: 0)

Site Recommendation: Silent PC Review
Neat Site Recommendations This is the first site suggestion of Vancouver Computer Shops. This may or may not become a permanent fixture of this site. You can help keep it alive by suggesting a cool site about computers or Vancouver, or hot deals, or whatever. Make suggestions in the VCS Site Discussion forum.

Todays site to check out: Silent PC Review. Lots of articles and tips to help you make your PC a little easier on the ears!

Posted by coolcorp on Friday, November 14 @ 20:56:16 PST (6970 reads)
(comments? | Score: 4)

Neat Site 2: Red Flag Deals
Neat Site Recommendations Red Flag Deals has been around for a few years. They've got a long list of current deals, both on and off the web for Canadians. A quick browse today reveals that FuturePhoto, Future Shop's digital photo developer has a deal for Vancouverites. For the next couple days, 50% off all digital photo orders. Time to dig up some digicam shots...
Posted by coolcorp on Saturday, November 29 @ 01:28:32 PST (22490 reads)
(comments? | Score: 5)

Do you download movies off the internet?

Often (~1/week)
Sometimes (~1/mo)
Rarely (~1/yr)
Never, D/L'ing from the Internet is wrong!


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